
We have MP3s of some of the songs, as performed by us. If the song has a speaker symbol play sound, you can download or play the song by clicking on the song title or the speaker symbol. Alternatively, play them in the built-in player below.

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20th Century BoyT Rex
Basket CaseGreen Day
Charlie BrownColdplay
Chasing CarsSnow Patrol
Comfortably NumbPink Floyd
Dancing in the moonlightThin Lizzy
Ever fallen in loveBuzzcocks
Feeling a MomentFeeder
Gimme some lovingSpencer Davis Group
Hard to handleBlack Crowes
I Predict a RiotKaiser Chiefs
I saw her standing thereThe Beatles
Jumpin' Jack FlashRolling Stones
Last NiteThe Strokes
Message in a bottlePolice
Mr BrightsideKillers
Paint it blackRolling Stones
Rebel RebelDavid Bowie
Run to youBryan Adams
Sex on fireKings of Leon
She sells sanctuaryThe Cult
Sidewinder sleeps toniteREM
Sultans of SwingDire Straits
Sunshine of your loveCream
Sweet home AlabamaLynyrd Skynyrd
Times like theseFoo Fighters
Town called MaliceThe Jam
Use somebodyKings of Leon
With or Without YouU2
You Really Got MeKinks
Ziggy StardustDavid Bowie
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